This full-options module ensures ease of navigability for users helping them receive appropriate e-content efficiently. Administrator can not only edit/delete content but can also assign/control user privileges to ensure that contents are current and periodically updated.
Key features available to the Administrator include capability to:
- Manage content
- Control user privilege
- Approve/reject/ delete content
- Monitor discussion forum
- Assign search categories/sub categories
- Customize search options
- Create department and/or class level access privilege
- Create department head as administrator
This easy-to-use versatile module helps users browse the library quickly and effectively. Administrator assigned privileges permit users to not only browse/delete own content but also rate e-books and post comments/viewpoints. In addition to administrators, various departments or department.
Key features available to User/s include capability to:
- View/browse content
- Save content for future reference
- Create content keywords
- Select simple, glossary or advanced search options
- View content approval or rejection
- Resubmit content
- Rate or comment content.